Kwikcare carers are about providing dependable, one to one support to people at home. We believe in a holistic approach – the importance of stimulating body and mind within the daily routine. This is why it is important that we are able to match the right Carer to the right client.
So we can dedicate the time and energy to your application, we have two Recruitment Officers to support you through the recruitment process:
Our recruitment process
Pre-interview chat
We believe you only know whether an individual is suited to being a Kwikfix carer by speaking with them, not by filling out lots of forms. That’s why we ask you to give us a contact number so we can call at a convenient time to chat about the vacancy you are applying for and finding out a bit about you too.
Face to face interview
This is an opportunity to spend a little more time, usually over a hot drink, to find out a little more about you and explain what it’s like to work with us and with our clients. You will get the chance to meet the person who would be your direct line manager and ask any questions you may have. At this point we would have asked you to complete our application form which we run through during the meeting.
Pre-employment checks
Before you start work with us we must complete several pre-employment checks and right to work. These include following up references with previous employers and completing an enhanced DBS disclosure and checking the documentation to prove your identity. These are regulatory requirements to protect our clients and we cannot make a formal employment offer until these checks are completed.
We use an online DBS check system, meaning we often have completed DBS applications within a few days. However, for around 10% of applications, the process can take up to 30 days to complete. During this time we try to offer additional training when possible.
Team orientation
Before formal training starts, your line manager will be in touch to invite you into the office for a day to meet the office team and talk you through Kwikfix policies and systems along with how your client visits and shadowing would be planned.
Induction training
We run a 3-day group induction in our branches. It’s a lovely environment where you get to meet fellow new carers and receive excellent expert-led training sessions on subjects such as safeguarding, moving and handling, food hygiene and infection control, first aid, health and safety, medication and dementia care. Your recruitment officer really looks after you during the training by arranging all lunches and refreshments during all training days. You will be asked in advance if you have any dietary requirements and we can cater for most needs.
Shadowing / mentor guidance
We believe the best way to learn is in the community with our experienced carer mentors. Before you are allowed to work alone, we ensure you have the skills and confidence to fully support our clients.
On-going support and training
We provide mandatory refresher training to ensure you are always up-to-date with the latest best practice guidelines and methods of care. In addition, we provide specialist care training in other areas as required by client needs.
Whether it’s during office hours or not, there is always a care expert on hand to offer advice and support while you are supporting your clients. Kwikfix has an “open door” policy, meaning there is the opportunity to ask any questions or receive additional face to face support over a healthier coffee. Just pop in!